Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cyber-risk and Liability Associated With Your Blog

It was bound to happen, but this article just astounds me: Backup For Your Blog. I clicked on the article because I thought it was literally going to tell me how to protect and backup my material. Rather, it talks about how increasingly blogs for corporate use AND personal use are being scrutinized for potential litigiation risks. The article cites these two examples:

-Last month a Chicago landlord sued a former tenant alleging defamation after she claimed in a tweet that her residence had mold.
-In San Francisco, a chiropractor sued a patient for alleged defamation after the patient posted a negative review on Yelp. The case was settled early this year.

What about freedom of speech? I rely on sites such as Yelp and Kudzu for reviews on most new services, restaurants, contractors, etc that I use and bad reviews are just as pertinent as good reviews. I don't know the whole story but it is scary that revealing a negative experience can turn into a potentially devastating lawsuit. Of course, a level of responsibility for your words and actions is still required as once you publish on the web, you lose privacy and anonymity.

My husband doesn't have FaceBook, Twitter, a Blog, or use LinkedIn and he is constantly telling me that I put way too much personal information out there, even on "protected" sites like FaceBook. I am much more careful now with what I say than I was six months ago.

Read the full article - very insightful.

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