Sunday, May 17, 2009

Confidence vs Cockiness

I have always been a “fake it until you make it” kind of person when it comes to confidence. I’ve also always been jealous of those who seem to have been born with the innate talent for being very sure of themselves without crossing the line to cockiness. It’s a fine line for sure.

Right now I’m reading a great book that I randomly picked out at the library called “Lions Don’t Need to Roar: Using the Leadership Power of Professional Presence to Stand Out, Fit In, and Move Ahead.” It’s a very good read that give short bursts of tips and advice without overloading the mind. These are all things we know, but don’t make a conscious effort on in business situations. I’ll share more as I continue with the book but here are some things that apply to me (I think!):

-Give slow, deep, and purposeful nods; don’t nod your head like a bobble-head
-Eye contact is very important when you meet a C-level executive or someone you hope to impress
-maintain eye contact 1 second longer than necessary
-enter a room purposefully as if to say “I know who I am and I know what I’m doing”
-When at a networking event, size up a room, then move directly and deliberately to the person you want to speak with.
-confident people pause; learn to use strategic silences
-hold a handshake a split second longer than necessary
-extend my hand consistently to both men and women in all situations

There’s much more but I’d like to leave you with something that I heard Beyonce say in an interview: she said that she doesn’t feel guilty for everything she has in life and deserves it all because she works harder than anybody she knows. As an example, she gave a run-down of her activities the past 48 hours and whew, she does stay busy. My husband thinks she is very cocky but I think it is admirable that she said that and has the confidence to do so.

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